Southern Great Plain Hungary

Work in Southern Great Plain Hungary

The Southern Great Plain is a region located in the southeastern part of Hungary and is famous for its agricultural production, vibrant culture, and historic landmarks. It is home to several nature reserves and is known for its traditional folk music and dance.

The major work opportunities in the Southern Great Plain are in the agriculture and food processing industries. The region is one of the most important agricultural regions in Hungary, producing a variety of crops such as wheat, corn, and sunflowers. The food processing industry, particularly meat processing, is also a significant sector. Other major industries in the region include manufacturing and logistics.

Some of the major employers in the Southern Great Plain include:

  • Bábolna Takarmány Kft. - a major feed producer and agricultural supplier with a plant in Bábolna
  • CBA Coop - a major retail chain with stores across the region
  • Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. - a subsidiary of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, involved in the production and distribution of soft drinks in Dunaharaszti
  • TESCO Global Áruházak Zrt. - a major supermarket chain with stores across the region
  • ZF Hungária Kft. - a subsidiary of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, involved in the production of automotive components in Eger

Overall, the Southern Great Plain offers a range of job opportunities, particularly in the agricultural and food processing industries, making it an attractive destination for job seekers looking for a mix of rural and urban environments.

Southern Great Plain Hungary

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